Categoria selezionata: Sicilia


Case Study: Jelly Pixel Studio’s Journey With

Jelly Pixel Studio, a web development agency based in Indonesia, specializes in crafting unique and illustrative websites for clients worldwide. The company serves a wide variety of clients, from small businesses to larger corporations, utilizing as their primary hosting platform due to its exceptional stability, fast performance, and robust features. Over the years, the Continua a leggere..

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Case Study: Jelly Pixel Studio’s Journey With

Jelly Pixel Studio, a web development agency based in Indonesia, specializes in crafting unique and illustrative websites for clients worldwide. The company serves a wide variety of clients, from small businesses to larger corporations, utilizing as their primary hosting platform due to its exceptional stability, fast performance, and robust features. Over the years, the Continua a leggere..

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Welcome to a More Powerful WP-Admin Experience

As Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg teased in a January blog post, our team at is working hard to enhance our developer experience. Improving what you see in your dashboard when you log into is one of our biggest goals. Today, we’re excited to unveil a more powerful wp-admin experience (if you know, you Continua a leggere..

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Welcome to a More Powerful WP-Admin Experience

As Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg teased in a January blog post, our team at is working hard to enhance our developer experience. Improving what you see in your dashboard when you log into is one of our biggest goals. Today, we’re excited to unveil a more powerful wp-admin experience (if you know, you Continua a leggere..

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Pasta al sugo con salsiccia

Ingredienti: 400g di pasta a scelta 300g di salsiccia italiana,  1 cipolla, finemente tritata 2 spicchi d’aglio, tritati Sugo in bottiglia    Sale e pepe q.b. Olio d’oliva Formaggio Parmigiano grattugiato per servire In una grande padella, scaldare l’olio d’oliva a fuoco medio. Aggiungere la cipolla tritata e cuocere finché non si ammorbidisce. Aggiungere l’aglio Continua a leggere..

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Torta di mele e marmellata

Torta di mele e marmellata di arance o confettura di albicocche. Un dolce da colazione veloce da fare, semplice e rustico Con video ricetta

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How We Built a New Home for Developers Using the Twenty Twenty-Four Theme

In the last few weeks, our team here at has rebuilt from the ground up. If you build or design websites for other people, in any capacity, bookmark this site. It’s your new home for docs, resources, the latest news about developer features, and more.  Rather than creating a unique, custom theme, we Continua a leggere..

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How We Built a New Home for Developers Using the Twenty Twenty-Four Theme

In the last few weeks, our team here at has rebuilt from the ground up. If you build or design websites for other people, in any capacity, bookmark this site. It’s your new home for docs, resources, the latest news about developer features, and more.  Rather than creating a unique, custom theme, we Continua a leggere..

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Tiramisù alle fragole

Inizia la stagione delle fragole, uno dei miei frutti preferiti, ragion per cui le metto dappertutto! I puristi del tiramisù cominceranno a storcere il naso, anch’io all’inizio a dire il vero, però vi assicuro che questa variante non è da meno, rispetto a quello classico!  Ingredienti: 300 g di savoiardi, 250 g di mascarpone, 3 Continua a leggere..

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Seadas, ricetta originale sarda

Le seadas sarde, uno dei dolci più noti e più amati dell’isola, servite con miele di asfodelo. Ricetta originale.

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