Monthly Archives: novembre 2018

Al ris col pist ( vecchia ricetta parmigiana)

Oggi vi parlo di un piatto semplice e gustoso della tradizione parmigiana “il riso col caval pist”. Quando si parla di pesto di cavallo o “Caval Pist” si parla di carne trita a cui viene unito un condimento fine di aglio, olio, sale, pepe ed erbe aromatiche, “la concia”; di solito si utilizza senza cottura Continua a leggere..

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Pizza con speck cotto e mozzarella

Ingredienti : 175 gr farina Manitoba 75 gr farina per pizza 2 gr lievito secco attivo 5 gr sale 1/2 cucchiaino di zucchero 170 gr acqua tiepida 10 gr olio + altro extravergine 125 gr passata di pomodoro 125 gr mozzarella speck cotto qb. basilico Preparazione : Setacciare le farine e metterle nel contenitore della Continua a leggere..

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Ciambelle salate di patate

Ciambelle salate di patate un secondo sfizioso che piace a grandi e piccini, molto semplici e veloce da preparare. Le Ciambelle salate di patatae sono simili alle crocchette base,cambia solo la forma e la panatura veloce.  

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Biscotti di mandorle al caffè Ingredienti – 250 gr. di farina di mandorle; – 125 gr. di zucchero semolato; – 2 bustine di caffè liofilizzato; – 20 gr. di caffè in polvere; – 2 albumi; – zucchero semolato q.b.-caffè in grani Procedimento In una ciotola mettete la farina di mandorle, lo zucchero, il caffè in Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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Announcing Free .blog Subdomains

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available. Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: Continua a leggere..

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