Monthly Archives: agosto 2019

Melanzane in padella al pomodoro

Melanzane in padella al pomodoro semplice, gustoso e allo stesso tempo leggero e con poche calorie. Ideale per chi segue una dieta sana e bilanciata. RICETTE DA NON PERDERE=>Torta camilla alle carote e yogurt, Biscotti intrecci senza glutine di Sonia, Polpette di melanzane morbide e gustose Il contorno di melanzane in padella al pomodoro è Continua a leggere..

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Visto che il caldo si è attenuato, oggi vi lascio la ricetta per queste buonissime tortine di pasta frolla

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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When Experienced Women Engineers Look for New Jobs, They Prioritize Trust and Growth

How can we increase gender representation in software engineering? Our Developer Hiring Experience team analyzed this topic in a recent user-research study. The issue resonated with women engineers and a strong response enabled the team to gain deeper insight than is currently available from online research projects. Seventy-one engineers who identified as women or non-binary Continua a leggere..

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Vi va un gelato?

Un buon gelato comincia sempre da ottimi ingredienti. Su questo non ci piove! Vi è mai capitato di prendere un gelato e avere l’impressione che i gusti non si differenzino l’uno dall’altro? A me si. L’altro elemento che mi disturba è l’eccessiva dolcezza di alcuni gelati che ho assaggiato. Per ovviare a ciò mi sono Continua a leggere..

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