Tag Archives: muffin

An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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An Open Source Approach to Creating Company Events

Serendipitous connections, like discovering a shared interest with someone in line at the coffee shop, look slightly different in distributed organizations. This year, leveraging the values of open source, Automattic shared the planning and organization of a company-wide 24-hour online event among the entire company, in order to create space for serendipitous connections.  What followed Continua a leggere..

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Muffin allo yogurt e gocce di cioccolato con la friggitrice ad aria

 Buongiorno a tutti, oggi prepariamo dei morbidissimi muffin con la friggitrice ad aria…

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Muffin al pistacchio e acqua di rose

Al Fortitude Bakehouse, si guarniscono questi muffin al pistacchio e acqua di rose con boccioli di rose….e l’ho voluto fare anche io, perché sono bellissimi. Dee Rettali nel suo libro Baking with Fortitude ci racconta come lei utilizzi i petali e boccioli di rosa essicati biologici della valle di Merzouga in Marocco. Ha visitato questa Continua a leggere..

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Muffin al panettone

Ecco una ricetta facile  e veloce per fare fuori gli avanzi di dolci, in questo caso il panettone o il pandoro, superstiti dalle abbuffate di Natale. A dire il vero è la terza volta che preparo questi muffin forte del   loro gradimento espresso dai mie inipotini. E ho comprato un altro panettone visto che costava Continua a leggere..

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