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Muffin di frolla montata alla Nocciolata

I muffin di frolla montata alla Nocciolata sono dei dolcetti golosissimi e super facili da preparare. I muffin di frolla alla Nocciolata nascondono al loro interno un cuore cremoso che vi conquisterà. Per prepararli io ho utilizzato la Nocciolata Crunchy, ma andrà benissimo qualsiasi altro tipo di Nocciolata. Sono partita dalla ricetta di base della Continua a leggere..

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A Milano arriva la Pet Flower Parade

Arriva Pet Flower Parade, primo evento dedicato ai cani di piccoli taglia che si terrà domenica 7 maggio. Un appuntamento non solo per coloro che hanno in famiglia un amico a quattro zampe, ma anche per tutti gli amanti degli animali. La festa si svolgerà dalle ore 12 alle 19, nel verde dell’Idroscalo (ingresso Bosco Continua a leggere..

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Spezzatino di vitello con patate

Spezzatino di vitello con patate Lo spezzatino di vitello con patate è un piatto molto saporito che di solito preparo con i bocconcini di vitello che sono teneri e magri e con le patate rosse di Colfiorito che sono sode e saporite. Il piatto è semplice da cucinare e il tempo che occorre è circa Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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Why Twitter Auto-Sharing Is Coming to an End

In early April, we experienced an unexpected suspension of our Twitter API access. This access is what powers Jetpack Social, which in turn helps you automatically share your blog posts to Twitter. Though the service was restored that same day, it turns out that there were bigger changes looming on the horizon.  Twitter recently notified Continua a leggere..

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