Monthly Archives: agosto 2022

Fregola ai frutti di mare

Fregola ai frutti di mare questo primo piatto viene condito con cozze, vongole, gamberi e calamari, un piatto ricco e pieno di sapore. La fregola è una piccola pasta tipica della Sardegna, costituita da piccole palline di grano duro e acqua, lavorate a mano e tostate nel forno. Quando assaggiai per la prima volta questa pasta ne rimasi piacevolmente Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 140g pasta madre rinfrescata 5 ore prima, 340ml acqua, 400g farina O, 140g farina di riso rosso integrale, 20ml olio, 15g sale, 15g zucchero, 7g aghi di rosmarino tagliuzzatiMettere nella ciotola dell’impastatrice la pasta madre con l’acqua tiepida, lo zucchero, le farine, l’olio, il rosmarino, per ultimo il sale, azionare l’apparecchio e lavorare per Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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Need a Website Fast? Let Us Do It For You

We get it. Life’s to-do list seems bottomless, and maybe building your own website isn’t anywhere near the top of it. And yet your business needs it. Yesterday, if possible. Your audience, your customers, are waiting.  If you’re in need of a professionally designed, budget-friendly, mobile-optimized website to showcase your business, product, or service, consider Continua a leggere..

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