Monthly Archives: maggio 2022

Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Introducing WordPress Starter: Make Your Mark

Every site starts with an idea. WordPress Starter is a new, beautifully pared-back plan designed to put that idea center stage. For just $5/month. Like the WordPress Pro plan (more on that below), WordPress Starter brings you the fastest WordPress managed hosting on the planet. Unlimited site traffic. And a revolutionary price. Make Your Mark Continua a leggere..

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Se cercate  una ricetta facile e veloce per preparare le zucchine fritte questa è la ricetta che fa per voi. E’ semplicissima e veloce! Grazie alla friggitrice ad aria.Potete mangiarle direttamente come contorno oppure impiegarle per preparare un gran numero di altre ricette, come ad esempio le tradizionali zucchine alla scapece. Le zucchine sono una Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 150g pasta madre rinfrescata 5 ore prima, 380ml acqua, 15g zucchero, 400g farina O, 100g farina di arachidi, 15ml olio, 15g sale, 50g arachidi tostate e tritate grossolanamenteMettere nella ciotola dell’impastatrice e la pasta madre spezzettata con lo zucchero e l’acqua tiepida, unirvi le farine, l’olio, il sale, per ultimo le arachidi, azionare l’apparecchio Continua a leggere..

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Bellini emiliano

Il Bellini emiliano è un cocktail che ho inventato in occasione di un aperitivo a bordo piscina a casa di un’amica alcuni anni fa. Sono stata ispirata dal classico drink, infatti il Bellini è un cocktail ufficiale IBA appartenente alla categoria degli sparkling, che significa “frizzante”, a base di vino bianco frizzante, usualmente del prosecco Continua a leggere..

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