Monthly Archives: settembre 2018

National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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National Voter Registration Day 2018

Did you know that today is National Voter Registration Day?  At Automattic, our mission is to make it easier for people to speak their mind and connect with communities across (and beyond) the web — every website, and every blog post you publish with the tools we build, is part of a broader conversation. Continua a leggere..

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Muffins allo yogurt e limone!

Ai muffins non riesco a resistere e la mia versione preferita è indubbiamente quella con lo yogurt e succo di limone, li adoro, leggeri e e delicati, si mangiano uno dopo l’altro.Anche col succo di arancia sono ottimi, al caffè, al cacao…scegliete voi! Ingredienti:250 gr di zucchero semolato250 gr di farina 00125 gr di farina Continua a leggere..

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Mini torta della nonna sbriciolata alle amarene

La mini torta della nonna sbriciolata alle amarene è una variante ricca e gustosa della conosciutissima torta della nonna, il dolce a base di pasta frolla, crema pasticcera e pinoli. Ora vi starete chiedendo: “Ma come mai hai deciso di proporcela in versione mini e sbriciolata?” Vi dico subito che la ricetta nasce in seguito Continua a leggere..

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I nove decimi delle attività di un governo moderno sono dannose… Dunque peggio sono svolte e meglio è..Bertrand Russel (  1872- 1070)  Ancora a stretto giro di post un dolce con gli amaretti??Ebbene sì se capita di doverli far fuori quando vengono acquistati in quantità.Ma gli amaretti, ottimi anche da soli specialmente quelli morbidi di Continua a leggere..

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