Tag Archives: Venezuela

8 cose che probabilmente non sapevate sulla pasta

La pasta è un alimento base della dieta da generazioni e probabilmente pensate di sapere tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulla pasta, giusto? Sbagliato! Ecco 11 curiosità che probabilmente non conoscevate, compreso il fatto che l’Italia non è nemmeno il primo Paese in cui la pasta è stata gustata. La pasta fu mangiata per Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Want to See a More Diverse WordPress Contributor Community? So Do We.

The mission of WordPress is to democratize publishing: to make it possible for anyone — no matter their background, location, or identity — to bring their ideas to life on the internet. This mission inspires thousands of volunteers all over the world to contribute to the WordPress open source project, building and supporting the software Continua a leggere..

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Chicken salad – Ensalada de gallina o pollo

Italiano English. This year for Christmas we want to bring you to the Tropics We are going to propose a recipe belonging to Giovanna’s family tradition: they used to prepare this “ensalada” when they lived in South America, but they use to make it even here in Italy.  On Christmas time in Venezuela they use Continua a leggere..

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Agua de parchita, succo di mango e frutto della passione

English - Español La parchita in spagnolo è la maracujà, ovvero il frutto della passione. Oggi vogliamo proporvi una bevanda a base di maracujà e mango, molto dissetante, da gustare con una montagna di ghiaccio nelle calde giornate estive.  Il sapore è delizioso: il dolce del mango si sposa perfettamente con il gusto acidulo del frutto della passione. Continua a leggere..

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