Tag Archives: URL

Better Blogging Through Podcasts: Announcing RadioPublic Embeds

We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already Continua a leggere..

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Better Blogging Through Podcasts: Announcing RadioPublic Embeds

We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already Continua a leggere..

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Better Blogging Through Podcasts: Announcing RadioPublic Embeds

We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already Continua a leggere..

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pesche caramellate al rosmarino e buon ferragosto

oggi un dessert fresco,goloso,sano e veloce il caldo ssembrava andao via e invece piano piano sta di nuovo prendendo piede e la forza di fare che stava ritornando è sparita avevo pensato a tante cose ma la voglia non c’è una vecchia collega diceva Eugenio  non c’è un modo umoristico per dice che “/redirect.php?URL=o’ geniu” Continua a leggere..

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Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

Writing interesting blog posts, creating attractive pages, and interacting with your visitors — these are essential ways to help you build a body of work, a successful business, or a growing audience online. I’m part of a team focused on design and research at WordPress.com — I like to find ways to improve your experience, Continua a leggere..

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Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

Writing interesting blog posts, creating attractive pages, and interacting with your visitors — these are essential ways to help you build a body of work, a successful business, or a growing audience online. I’m part of a team focused on design and research at WordPress.com — I like to find ways to improve your experience, Continua a leggere..

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Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

Writing interesting blog posts, creating attractive pages, and interacting with your visitors — these are essential ways to help you build a body of work, a successful business, or a growing audience online. I’m part of a team focused on design and research at WordPress.com — I like to find ways to improve your experience, Continua a leggere..

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Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

Writing interesting blog posts, creating attractive pages, and interacting with your visitors — these are essential ways to help you build a body of work, a successful business, or a growing audience online. I’m part of a team focused on design and research at WordPress.com — I like to find ways to improve your experience, Continua a leggere..

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Cheesecake fredda ai Kiwi (No Bake)

Ciao a tutti e ben trovati! L’estate è ormai arrivata e fa molto caldo un po’ in tutta Italia, quindi perchè non deliziarci con un dolce fresco e colorato? Ecco una ricetta che fa al caso vostro! Si tratta di una cheesecake fresca e facile da realizzare; non è necessario accendere il forno, strumento demonizzato Continua a leggere..

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Crostata Benny

Non chiedermi chi sia Benny, non ne ho idea, posso dirti solo che così era intitolata la ricetta che ho avuto da Loreta, mia cognata. Lei, a sua volta, l/redirect.php?URL=’ha avuta da Susy, la sua parrucchiera. Loreta, qualche giorno fa, mi ha mandato un messaggio con la foto di un biglietto dove erano scritti gli Continua a leggere..

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