Cozze gratinate

Cozze gratinate

cozze gratinate


1 kg di cozze nere
1 ciuffo di prezzemolo
pepe nero q.b.
olio evo q.b.
mollica di pane q.b.


pulire accuratamente le cozze.

Metterle in un pentola per farle aprire mescolando di tanto in tanto.

Ammollare la mollica in poca acqua.

Preparare la farcitura mescolando prezzemolo, olio, pepe e mollica.

Farcire le cozze e metterle in una pirofila.

Infornarle per qualche minuto e servire.


English version

Gratin mussels


1 kg of black mussels
1 bunch of parsley
black pepper q.b.
extra virgin olive oil q.b.
bread crumbs q.b.


clean the mussels.

Put them in a pot to make them open, stirring occasionally.

Soak the bread in a little water.

Prepare the filling by mixing parsley, oil, pepper and breadcrumbs.

Stuff the mussels and put them in a baking dish.

Bake for a few minutes and serve.

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