Monthly Archives: maggio 2023


Ingredienti: 150g pasta madre rinfrescata 5 ore prima, 200ml acqua, 20g zucchero, 230g semola rimacinata, 70g farina O, 15ml olio, 10g sale, 2 cucchiai semi di sesamo, latteMettere nell’impastatrice la pasta madre con l’acqua tiepida e lo zucchero, unirvi le farine, l’olio per ultimo il sale, azionare l’apparecchio e impastare per 8 minuti fino ad Continua a leggere..

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Muffin variegati con gocce di cioccolato

Muffin variegati con gocce di cioccolato morbidi, senza glutine, molto semplici e veloci da preparare; ideali da servire per colazione o merenda. RICETTA da non perdere => Carciofi ripieni con contorno di piselli I Muffin variegati con gocce di cioccolato che vi consiglio oggi si preparano in meno di 5 minuti e con pochissimi ingredienti che Continua a leggere..

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Pomodori ripieni di cous cous freddi

I pomodori ripieni di cous cous freddi costituiscono un piatto gustoso e semplicissimo da preparare, perfetto per chi ha poco tempo da dedicare alla cucina, ma non vuole rinunciare al gusto. Oltre a essere molto scenografici nella presentazione, i pomodori ripieni di cous cous si prestano perfettamente a essere arricchiti con innumerevoli ingredienti. Per la loro preparazione ho usato Continua a leggere..

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I Bagel

  I bagel sono i famosi panini americani fatti a forma di ciambella; in realtà si tratta di una ricetta messa a punto dalla comunità ebraica polacca.  I panini in questione vanno prima bolliti brevemente e poi cotti in forno fino a doratura; sulla loro superficie vengono aggiunti semi di sesamo, di papavero, di lino Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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How Yarnnakarn Ceramics Uses to Expand Their Business

Our community team recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with longtime customers Karin and Nok Phisolyabut. They’re the owners of Yarnnakarn, a small arts and crafts studio that specializes in telling stories through contemporary ceramic pieces. Part of why we love this studio, in addition to their beautiful work, is because Yarnnakarn espouses Continua a leggere..

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