Monthly Archives: aprile 2022

Torta al testo

La torta al testo è una sorta di pane-focaccia tondo dallo spessore di circa un centimetro, molto comune in Umbria; prende il nome dal piano di cottura una piastra in ghisa, in origine era un disco di laterizio. E’ un pane nato nella tradizione contadina, semplice con pochi ingredienti: farina, acqua e sale. Nelle varie Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 300g riso Carnaroli, 300g fragole a fettine, 200g stracchino allo yogurt, 150ml marsala, 900ml brodo vegetale, 60g cipolla rossa tritata, 1 rametto di rosmarino, glassa di aceto balsamico, olio, saleRiunire in un largo tegame la cipolla con il rosmarino, 3 cucchiai di olio, un pizzico di sale e rosolare a fiamma vivace 3 minuti; Continua a leggere..

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Corte Realdi Luxury Rooms, camere con vista

Corte Realdi Luxury Rooms è situato al quarto piano di Palazzo Negri, un edificio rinascimentale a Torino, in piazza Castello, proprio davanti a Palazzo Madama, il palazzo più antico di Torino, risalente all’epoca romana e dichiarato Patrimonio dell’Umanità nel 1997 insieme ad altre residenze sabaude. Sette lussuose suite con vista, ognuna diversa dall’altra, ampie e Continua a leggere..

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Crema di fragole senza glutine e senza lattosio – ricetta passo passo

C’è stato un periodo, a metà degli anni ottanta, che il mio colore preferito era il rosso. Influenza del film “The Woman in Red” ? Ebbene sì: “La signora in rosso” e “I just called to say I love you”, cantata da Stevie Wonder, avevano entusiasmato anche me. Ricordo che mia mamma, sarta provetta, mi Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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VideoPress, Take 3

We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll show you what’s new in Continua a leggere..

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