Tag Archives: Video
NUOVO VIDEO: basta carta forno! Ho le 2 soluzioni definitive per la friggitrice ad aria
In questo nuovo video sul mio canale youtube vi illustro 2 soluzioni per sostituire in modo più sostenibile ed economico la classica carta forno usa e getta. Entrambi i sistemi li utilizzo da moltissimo tempo senza mai averli cambiati. FOGLI NERI RIUTILIZZABIILI: https://amzn.to/4dG9BpU GRIGLIE RIUTILIZZABILI: https://amzn.to/3wscPws Ogni link che porta ad Amazon è un Continua a leggere..
IL CURRICULUM DELLO STUDENTE – guida utile e completa
Anche quest’anno torna il CURRICULUM DELLO STUDENTE. Di cosa si tratta? Si tratta di un portale che ha debuttato due anni fa e che, una volta compilato, permetterà di ottenere un documento da allegare al diploma per certificare attività extrascolastiche di ciascun studente, come quelle linguistiche, quelle culturali, musicali, sportive, artistiche e di volontariato. Ma Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..
Introducing “Build and Beyond”: A New Video Series From WordPress.com and Jamie Marsland
Jamie Marsland has been preaching the WordPress gospel for over a decade and has trained thousands of people on blocks, plugins, and more. Through his popular YouTube channel and hands-on courses, Jamie provides incredible tutorials and breaks down the most common misconceptions about building with WordPress. We’re happy to share that WordPress.com is partnering with Continua a leggere..