Tag Archives: TV

Perchè i bambini non leggono?

Una domanda che molti si pongono ma che sembra avere risposte scomode. Perché forse non immaginano più? E forse non immaginano perché non leggono. Sarebbe la risposta più corretta in effetti. Se non conoscono un albero parlante o un tappeto volante, se non conoscono i classici della letteratura ma personaggi come AngryBirds e AmongUs forse Continua a leggere..

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Mississippi Mud Pie: irresistibile come una sana risata.

 It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Andy WilliamsMississippi Mud Pie.Un po’ come dire "torta di fango del Mississippi". Titolo che ha evocato nella mia memoria, quel tormentone su cui ho riso fino alle lacrime durante la mia giovinezza. Vi dice niente " ‘A Pizza de fango der Camerun"? Chi non ha amato La TV delle Continua a leggere..

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Attentato alle Torri gemelle

#Accaddeoggimartedì 11 settembre 2001 Alle 8,46 (le 14,46 in Italia) un volo dell’American Airlines 11 finisce la sua corsa contro la Torre nord del World Trade Center, tra il 93° e il 99° piano di uno dei più alti edifici mai costruiti. Tre minuti dopo sugli schermi della CNN, con cui sono collegate le TV Continua a leggere..

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Kumpulan Aplikasi Video Call Random Terbaik untuk Android

Di zaman yang semakin modern ini sangatlah memungkinkan untuk semua orang bisa bertatap muka secara online. Ya, aktivitas tersebut disebut dengan video call. Nah, namun apakah kamu mengetahui, ternyata ada lho aplikasi video call random yang bisa kamu gunakan agar komunikasi lebih leluasa? Pada perkembangan video call yang juga bisa menjadi video call random ini Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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Expert Advice: SEO and Content Marketing

You’ve launched your website or started a blog. Congratulations! Now it’s time to attract an audience. You built a website to reach people with your art, ideas, or products and services. We’ve created a free online session to help you do just that.  Register for our next 60-minute webinar, Traffic Control: How to Find and Continua a leggere..

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