Tag Archives: Google
Perché è importante la Seo per un e-commerce
Al giorno d’ oggi sono tante le aziende che, consapevoli delle potenzialità dell’online, decidono di aprire un e-commerce. Però ottenere risultati concreti non è semplice, in quanto ci si deve scontrare con una concorrenza sempre più spietata, per tale motivo la SEO può venire in aiuto. La SEO, (Search Engine Optimization), è l’ottimizzazione per i Continua a leggere..
Come utilizzare le tecnologie in classe oggi
Caro collega, scrivo questi articoli perché come per te, la mia vita è insegnare. E poter condividere quel poco che conosco per me è importantissimo. Ed ecco perché oggi scrivo di modi creativi per utilizzare la tecnologia in classe. Perché utilizzare le tecnologie? L’uso della tecnologia nelle tue classi crea uno spazio per gli studenti per Continua a leggere..
Google DOWN – oggi Youtube, Gmail, Calendar, Maps e tutti i servizi NON FUNZIONANO
Da pochi minuti molti dei principali servizi di Google hanno smesso di funzionare Sono per ora fuori uso: gmail; tutta la G-Suite Education; Google Maps; Youtube; altri servizi. Persino il motore di ricerca presenta problemi per alcuni utenti. Si tratta di un vero e proprio DISSERVIZIO della Google WorkSpace. Cosa sta accadendo? Si sta sperimentando Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..
Improve Your Remote Collaboration With P2
P2 powers internal collaboration at WordPress.com — and now it’s free for everyone. As more collaboration is happening remotely and online — work yes, but increasingly also school and personal relationships — we’re all looking for better ways to work together online. Normally, teachers hand out homework to students in person, and project leaders gather Continua a leggere..