Categoria selezionata: Sicilia


One Inbox to Rule Them All

The internet is undefeated in coining new terms to describe our digital lives: hashtag, blog, clickbait, lurk. Somehow, though, the most universal phenomenon of them all doesn’t have a word yet.  How many times have you lost track of an online conversation, even accidentally ghosting someone because you couldn’t remember where it was happening? Between Continua a leggere..

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One Inbox to Rule Them All

The internet is undefeated in coining new terms to describe our digital lives: hashtag, blog, clickbait, lurk. Somehow, though, the most universal phenomenon of them all doesn’t have a word yet.  How many times have you lost track of an online conversation, even accidentally ghosting someone because you couldn’t remember where it was happening? Between Continua a leggere..

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Confettura speziata di prugne

Confettura speziata di prugne e vino rosso: dolce e profumata, perfetta a colazione ma anche con i formaggi. Con video ricetta

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Biscotti ripieni alle mele cotogne

  Avendo un albero di cotogne, che generosamente mi regala una raccolta abbondante di frutti ogni anno, mi piace utilizzarle in tanti modi oltre che per la preparazione della famosa cotognata o della gelatina da abbinare ai formaggi. Questi morbidissimi biscottoni sono andati a ruba non appena sfornati.     Preparare una frolla con 350 g Continua a leggere..

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Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette

Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient.  WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..

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Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette

Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient.  WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..

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I biscotti tipici della Festa dei Morti in Sicilia: le rame di Napoli

                                       Oggi vi propongo dei biscotti che adoro, tipici della tradizione catanese, la cui preparazione ho appreso nel periodo in cui ho abitato da quelle parti. Si chiamano Rame di Napoli, molto probabilmente in riferimento ad una Continua a leggere..

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Involtini di verza con prosciutto cotto e fontina

Involtini di verza, con prosciutto cotto e fontina: un piatto unico invernale gustoso e facile da preparare. Con video ricetta passo passo

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New Course: Turn Your Passion Into Impact by Building an Online Course

Are you driven by a desire to share your knowledge and expertise with the world? Do you feel the pull of making an impact but aren’t sure how to leverage your skills? In today’s digital economy, there’s an abundance of opportunity, but sometimes the path is anything but clear. That’s why we’ve crafted a comprehensive Continua a leggere..

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New Course: Turn Your Passion Into Impact by Building an Online Course

Are you driven by a desire to share your knowledge and expertise with the world? Do you feel the pull of making an impact but aren’t sure how to leverage your skills? In today’s digital economy, there’s an abundance of opportunity, but sometimes the path is anything but clear. That’s why we’ve crafted a comprehensive Continua a leggere..

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