Monthly Archives: dicembre 2023

Antipasto uova sode ripiene

Ecco una ricetta per le uova sode ripiene con maionese, un classico e semplice antipasto per le feste. **Uova Sode Ripiene con Maionese** **Ingredienti:** – 6 uova – 3 cucchiai di maionese – 1 cucchiaino di senape – Sale e pepe q.b. – Prezzemolo tritato q.b. per guarnire **Istruzioni:** 1. Metti le uova in una Continua a leggere..

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Conchiglioni al forno con mozzarella e pomodorini

Ecco la ricetta per preparare dei deliziosi conchiglioni al forno con formaggio e pomodorini: Conchiglioni al Forno con Formaggio e Pomodorini Ingredienti: – 250g di conchiglioni – 250g di pomodorini ciliegini – 250g di mozzarella, tagliata a cubetti – 100g di parmigiano grattugiato – 2 spicchi d’aglio, tritati – 1 mazzetto di basilico fresco, tritato Continua a leggere..

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Spaghetti mare e monti

 Spaghetti mare e monti Nella ricetta degli spaghetti mare monti utilizzeremo gamberetti e zucchine per realizzare il piatto, ma le varianti di questo primo possono essere tante, secondo i gusti. INGREDIENTI per 4 persone:350 gr di pasta spaghetti, 4 zucchine medie, 300 gr di gamberetti sgusciati (meglio se freschi), olio e.v.o., 1/4 di cipolla (piccola), sale q.b., Continua a leggere..

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Ghirlanda di pasta sfoglia senza glutine

Ghirlanda di pasta sfoglia senza glutine un antipasto gustoso, veloce e scenografico ideale da servire per le feste di Natale e Capodanno. Molto semplice da realizzare e abbastanza veloce, vi basterà srotolare un rotoloni pasta sfoglia rondando, farcire e dare la forma di una ghirlanda. La ghirlanda di pasta sfoglia è una versione veloce e Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

Leggi tutto’s Year in Review

Our team here at, comprised of hundreds of people spread across the entire globe, accomplished a lot in 2023. On the blog, we published over 90 posts, from product upgrades, to brand new features, and even new additions to the Automattic family of products. If you missed anything, here’s a recap of this year’s Continua a leggere..

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