Monthly Archives: dicembre 2023

Crostone di pane con verdure e salsiccia

Crostone di pane con verdure e salsiccia una sorta di scrigno di pane che racchiude un goloso ripieno a base di pomodori, broccoli e salsiccia, facile e sbrigativo da realizzare, consente di riciclare il pane raffermo. DifficoltàMolto facile CostoEconomico Tempo di preparazione30 Minuti Tempo di cottura1 Ora Porzioni4 persone Metodo di cotturaFornelloForno elettricoBollitura CucinaItaliana StagionalitàAutunno Continua a leggere..

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Crostata alla marmellata

non c’è niente di meglio di una bella fetta di crostata per colazione… Meglio ancora se è stata appena sfornata! Ero sicura di aver condiviso questa ricetta anni fa, invece avevo messo molle ricette di pasta frolla ma mai di una crostata fatta e finita, quindi eccola qua! mi raccomando: questa è una ricetta da Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 300g pane raffermo a dadini, 200g zucca a cubetti, 100g mortadella tagliuzzata grossolanamente, 250ml latte, 90g farina OO, 2 uova, 10g amaretti sbriciolati, 30g burro, 30g grana grattugiato, 1 cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato, 1 spicchio di aglio,1 ciuffetto di salvia, noce moscata, olio, saleMettere in una padellina 150g di zucca con 1cucchiaio di olio, Continua a leggere..

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Torroncini al cioccolato e frutta secca

Torroncini al cioccolato e frutta secca, veloci da preparare e buonissimi. Perfetti da servire nelle feste natalizie insieme a Struffoli, Mostaccioli, Cartellate e tanti altri altri dolci di Natale. I Torroncini al cioccolato sono ideali anche da regalare a Natale, chiusi in sacchetti di plastica per alimenti chiusi con fiocchetti, magari insieme alle Mandorle e Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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Bloganuary Is Just Around the Corner!

It’s hard to fathom, but we’re just a couple of weeks from 2024. It’s been a big year! WordPress celebrated its 20th birthday, “Barbenheimer” won big at the global box office, and generative AI tools for text and video broke through to the mainstream spotlight. On, we’ve seen a good share of change, too. Continua a leggere..

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