Monthly Archives: novembre 2023

Ciambella alle nocciole

    Oggi vi voglio parlare di un dolce facile da realizzare, goloso e anche bello da vedere: la ciambella alle nocciole. Nel blog potete trovare diverse ricette di ciambelle: di mele frullate, al cocco, limone e cioccolato bianco, allo yogurt e limone, con arancia e carote ecc… Da buona piemontese adoro le nocciole e Continua a leggere..

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Pasta al forno alla calabrese

La pasta al forno alla calabrese è uno sfizioso primo piatto preparato con polpettine, uova sode e schiacciata calabrese. Non è propriamente quel che si dice un piatto leggero, ma sicuramente la pasta al forno calabrese è perfetta quando si ha intenzione di fare uno strappo alle regole della sana alimentazione. La pasta calabrese al Continua a leggere..

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Biscotti di pasta frolla con solo tuorli

Biscotti di pasta frolla con solo tuorli, senza glutine e senza burro, ideali da servire per colazione o per merenda. Buonissimi e friabili come quelli che vendono in pasticceria, questi frollini sono davvero irresistibile. La pasta frolla con solo tuorli che vi propongo in questa ricetta è ideale per preparare i biscotti o crostate friabili Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 260g kiwi gialli a dadini, 30g zucchero di canna, 150ml latte di cocco, 150ml fresco intero, 50g zucchero, 40g farina di cocco, 10g amido di mais, 6 fettine di kiwi gialliRiunire in una ciotola i kiwi a dadini con lo zucchero di canna, mescolare e porre in frigor fino all’utilizzo. In un pentolino dai Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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The Best Deals of the Year on Websites and Domains 

The best Black Friday deal isn’t a disposable gadget or a trendy clothing item. Instead, consider something that will help you grow and will grow along with you. Your website isn’t just about your online presence—it’s the foundation for everything you hope to achieve. From today through Cyber Monday (November 27), we’re offering unbeatable deals Continua a leggere..

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