Monthly Archives: novembre 2023

Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Learn to Design Your Own Theme in Our Newest Webinar

Choosing your site’s design is a crucial first step in the creation of any new website and is key to conveying your brand or message online. Our new option to “Design Your Own Theme” revolutionizes this process by introducing predefined Block Patterns, which act as modular elements for your unique design. This groundbreaking tool provides Continua a leggere..

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Quiche Lorraine

La Quiche Lorraine è un piatto tradizionale francese che ha conquistato il palato di molte persone in tutto il mondo. Originaria della regione della Lorena, questa prelibatezza salata è diventata un classico della cucina francese. La sua caratteristica principale è una crosta di pasta sfoglia o brisée, che avvolge un ripieno cremoso a base di Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 200g farina OO, 60g farina integrale, 190g mele golden grattugiate a fori grossi, 120g zucchero di canna integrale, 70ml olio di semi, 1 uovo, 9g lievito per dolci, 1 cuchiaino raso cannella in polvere, 1 cucchino di zucchero a veloMescolare in una ciotola le farine co lo zucchero, la cannella e il lievito, intridervi Continua a leggere..

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Weekend di gusto e relax nell’isola di Cipro

Un’idea per weekend autunnale, al caldo, all’insegna del gusto e del relax a poco più di 3 ore di volo dall’Italia (sono disponibili voli diretti da Milano e Roma con la compagnia Cyprus Airways). La destinazione è la magica isola di Cipro che, secondo la mitologia, ha visto nascere la dea Venere. Qui la temperatura massima media nei Continua a leggere..

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Torta al cioccolato con farina di riso

Un dolce leggero, ma energetico, a base di farina di riso, ottimo per gli intolleranti al glutine e anche senza lattosio. Un peccato di gola al cioccolato (poco) con un trito di noci e mandorle per un appuntamento speciale!  “Light & Tasty” Eccomi a festeggiare insieme con tante ricette sia dolci che salate un appuntamento Continua a leggere..

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