Monthly Archives: novembre 2023

From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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From Sawdust to Success With

Jolie Karno will be the first person to admit that she’s not technologically literate. As a wood-turner in Oakland, California, she works with her hands day in and day out and doesn’t want to spend hours fiddling with a website. Of course Jolie needs to make a living, though, so she wanted a website to Continua a leggere..

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Nel 2023 la produzione di vino più bassa degli ultimi 60 anni

Nel 2023 la produzione di vino più bassa degli ultimi 60 anni e l’Italia perde il primato mondiale. I dati dell’Oiv sulla vendemia mondiale.

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Involtini di mortadella e scamorza con pomodorini

Involtini di mortadella e scamorza con pomodorini Gli involtini di mortadella ripiena di scamorza con pomodorini sono un secondo piatto semplice e molto gustoso. Si tratta di fette di mortadella ripiene di scamorza e poi ripassate giusto un paio di minuti per lato in un sugo di pomodorini freschi. Il risultato è un saporito scrigno Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 300g radicchio rosso tagliuzzato, 250g farro perlato, 140g emmenthal a dadini, 900ml brodo vegetale, 2 spicchi di aglio, 1 rametto di rosmarino, olio, saleMettere in un largo tegame il radicchio con l’aglio schiacciato, il rosmarino, condire con 3 cucchiai di olio, un pizzico di sale, porre sul fuoco e rosolare a fiamma vivace per Continua a leggere..

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Torte semplici al cioccolato: 16 ricette da provare

Torte semplici al cioccolato: 16 ricette da provare di dolci perfetti per l’autunno e l’inverno. Cremose, soffici, alla frutta o ‘senza’.

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