Monthly Archives: giugno 2023
Torta samosa
I Samosa sono dei triangoli di sfoglia fritti ripieni di patate e spezie, sono buonissimi ma volevo riproporne una versione personalizzata e non fritta. Ingredienti: Sfoglia: 250 gr farina di farro appena macinata, sale integrale, 100 gr acqua, 50 gr olio extravergine d’oliva. Ripieno: 500 gr patate, 1 barattolo di piselli, sale, curcuma, pepe, Continua a leggere..
Bruschettone veloci veloci
Ingredienti: Pane integrale senza strutto, pomodorini, zucchine grigliate, hummus, sale interale, olio extravergine d’oliva, aglio, origano. Preparazione: Per preparare l’hummus clicca qui: Hummus. Affetta sottilmente il pane, taglia in due uno spicchio d’ aglio e strofina tutte le fette. Inforna il pane per 5 minuti in forno già caldo a 190° per 5 – Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 1 pollo intero (1.2kg), 700g zucchine a rondelle di 1/2cm, 4 rametti di timo, 2 spicchi di aglio, 1 rametto di rosmarino, olio, sale, pepeInsaporire il pollo internamente con un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe, mettervi il rosmarino e adagiare il pollo con il petto rivolto verso il basso al centro Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..
Happiness Engineers: The Secret Sauce for’s Stellar Support
Let’s dive into the world of support, where one particular group of superstars is making all the difference: our expert Happiness Engineers! In today’s post, we’ll explore how these incredible humans make’s technical support a uniquely delightful experience. Our knowledgable, globe-spanning Happiness Engineers In a world where dreadful customer support has become the Continua a leggere..