Monthly Archives: agosto 2020

Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Introducing a New, Convenient Way for Your Customers to Contact You

The world is mobile, and your visitors and customers expect to be able to easily contact you using their mobile device. With’s new WhatsApp button, you can provide a one-click, secure way for people to open WhatsApp, with your phone number and a message pre-filled. Insert the WhatsApp button with your phone number and Continua a leggere..

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Fettuccine al tonno fresco e zucchine profumate al limone

                            Se state pensando ad un primo per Ferragosto che non vi costringa a passare troppo tempo ai fornelli, ecco una proposta veloce e fresca. Ingredienti per 4 persone: 350 g di fettuccine, 200 g di tonno fresco, 2 zucchine, peperoncino, 1 Continua a leggere..

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Red Herring Games: Navigating a Business During a Pandemic

Ever wanted to gather your friends around a dinner table and accuse them of murder? Hopefully, your friend group dynamic has never actually got that dark — but that is the general concept behind Red Herring Games’ murder mystery games! Groups get together, dress up to fit the setting of the game — from the Continua a leggere..

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Torta di pere

La torta di pere è un dolce soffice e profumato fatto a base di ingredienti genuini, ottimo per la colazione o per la merenda di tutta la famiglia. Questo dolce è molto facile da preparare.  Una bontà unica da gustare come alternativa alla variante più conosciuta e più replicata: la torta di mele. Difficoltà: facile. Continua a leggere..

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“how to heal”: A Poem

From Rarasaur: “Pack your cells with joy until it is what they know best, and what they trust most.”

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