If you’re a Google Domains customer, you may have heard that your domain will soon be acquired by Squarespace. This change might work for some folks, but there’s good reason to consider moving elsewhere—like WordPress.com. By transferring your domain to WordPress.com, you’re entrusting your precious online real estate to the best-performing, most reliable registrar in Continua a leggere..
Get Paid on Any Plan: Introducing Payments for the Free Plan and Up
Until now, writers and creators who wanted to start earning on their WordPress.com site needed to upgrade to one of our paid plans. Those days are officially behind us. Now, whether you’re on the Free plan or one of the paid tiers, you can start collecting payments and earning from your work from day one. Continua a leggere..
Torta variegata al pistacchio
Amanti del pistacchio fermatevi qui! Ho preparato una torta variegata alla crema di pistacchio buonissima, che vi consiglio di provare. Per accentuare il sapore, nell’impasto ho aggiunto una piccola quantità di farina di pistacchio, che rende il dolce morbido e golosissimo, e sulla superficie granella di pistacchio, tanto per non farci mancare nulla. Continua a leggere..
Your Domain Deserves the Best: It’s Time to Move to WordPress.com
If you’re a Google Domains customer, you may have heard that your domain will soon be acquired by Squarespace. This change might work for some folks, but there’s good reason to consider moving elsewhere—like WordPress.com. By transferring your domain to WordPress.com, you’re entrusting your precious online real estate to the best-performing, most reliable registrar in Continua a leggere..
Get Paid on Any Plan: Introducing Payments for the Free Plan and Up
Until now, writers and creators who wanted to start earning on their WordPress.com site needed to upgrade to one of our paid plans. Those days are officially behind us. Now, whether you’re on the Free plan or one of the paid tiers, you can start collecting payments and earning from your work from day one. Continua a leggere..
Your Domain Deserves the Best: It’s Time to Move to WordPress.com
If you’re a Google Domains customer, you may have heard that your domain will soon be acquired by Squarespace. This change might work for some folks, but there’s good reason to consider moving elsewhere—like WordPress.com. By transferring your domain to WordPress.com, you’re entrusting your precious online real estate to the best-performing, most reliable registrar in Continua a leggere..
Your Domain Deserves the Best: It’s Time to Move to WordPress.com
If you’re a Google Domains customer, you may have heard that your domain will soon be acquired by Squarespace. This change might work for some folks, but there’s good reason to consider moving elsewhere—like WordPress.com. By transferring your domain to WordPress.com, you’re entrusting your precious online real estate to the best-performing, most reliable registrar in Continua a leggere..
Ciambella Marmorizzata Bertolini
Ebbene sì, io sono quella che per sentirsi a casa deve sfornare un ciambellone buono e profumato. La ricetta, semplicissima, di oggi altro non è che la versione marmorizzata di questa ciambella qui, con qualche variazioe. Continua a leggere…
Pollo al pesto e Parmigiano Reggiano
Il pollo al pesto e Parmigiano Reggiano è un goloso secondo piatto perfetto come pranzo leggero e veloce. Goloso perché al posto della classica panatura ho utilizzato il pesto alla genovese e una panure preparata con pangrattato e Parmigiano Reggiano grattugiato. Leggero perché una volta impanato l’ho cotto nella friggitrice ad aria, che si sa Continua a leggere..
Indecisi se gustare una torta margherita o una crostata ? Oggi risolviamo il problema preparando la crostata margherita ovvero una crostata che si crede torta margherita : una sofficissima torta margherita racchiusa da un guscio di golosa pasta frolla . Quindi una doppia consistenza: friabile esternamente e morbida e umida all’interno. Un dolce fantastico! Ti Continua a leggere..