Questa è una torta semplice e buonissima, ideale per l’estate, leggera e golosissima! Può essere fatta sia con il cioccolato fondente, forse più adatto agli adulti e quindi ci sta l’aggiunta del liquore, sia con il cioccolato al latte, in questo caso risulta più dolce al gusto, ma vi assicuro che non è stucchevole…le ho Continua a leggere..
Insalata pantesca
Oggi vi propongo l’Insalata pantesca, un piatto fresco e colorato, ideale da servire come contorno o piatto unico. Una ricetta tradizionale di Pantelleria, ricco di sapore a base di patate lesse, pomodorini, cipolla e origano. Dopo le tantissime varianti di Insalate di patate , che ho preparato in tanti modi, mi mancava questa gustosa insalata Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 100g farina OO, 100g zucchero, 60g farina di cocco, 50ml latte, 50ml olio di semi, 3 uova, 4g lievito per dolci, 220g pesche tabacchiere a dadini, 160g quark, 70g zucchero di canna, 40g amaretti sbiciolatiSbattere a crema gonfia e spumosa 2 uova con lo zucchero, diluire con il latte e l’olio, intridervi la farina Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..
Heisse Hüttenseele
Questo favoloso panino lo preparano in uno dei dei “nostri” ristorantini preferiti bavaresi. Questo è “IL” panino della vacanza per eccellenza! Ovviamente non ho la ricetta precisa, ma la foto rende splendidamente l'idea di come è fatto. L'importante è servire questo panino ben imbottito secondo il mantra del più ce ne metti e più ce Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..
The People Have Spoken (About Our Free Domain Transfers)
Since launching our domain transfer offer to Google Domains customers just over two weeks ago, we’ve been overwhelmed and heartened by the response of those who’ve made the switch. If you haven’t heard about this incredible deal and are one of the millions of folks looking for a Google Domains alternative, here’s why you should Continua a leggere..