Ingredienti: 350g farina O, 150g semola rimacinata, 350ml acqua, 150g pasta madre rinfrescata 6 ore prima, 15ml olio, 15g sale, 200g fontina affettata, 150g prosciutto cotto affettato, 80g rucola,10 pomodini tagliati a metà , olioRiunire nella ciotola dell’impastatrice la pasta madre spezzettata con l’acqua tiepida, le farine, l’olio, per ultimo il sale, azionare l’apparecchio e impastare Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 75g farina OO, 120ml acqua, 60g burro, 2 uova grandi, 250ml latte, 60g cioccolato fondente a pezzetti, 70g zucchero, 4 tuorli, 7g cacao amaro, 10g farina O, 10g amido di mais, 1 cucchiao granella di zucchero, panna montata, cacao, saleVersare in un pentolino l’acqua con un pizzico di sale e il burro, portare a Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 160g riso basmati, 430g ananas fresco a dadini, 130g piselli sgranati, 60g arachidi sgusciate, 40g scalogno a velo, curry, olio, saleMettere in un pentolino 320ml di acqua, porre sul fuoco e portare a bollore; salare, unirvi il riso, mescolare, coprire laciando un piccolo spiraglio e cuocere per 10 minuti senza mai toccare (l’acqua si Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 130g farina OO, 20g farina di nocciole, 130g zucchero di canna, 80g muesli alle nocciole, 60g uvetta, 50ml olio extravergine di oliva, 1 uovo, 3g bicarbonato di sodioMescolare in una capiente ciotola le farine con lo zucchero e il bicarbonato, intridervi l’olio e l’uovo, aggiungervi il muesli e l’uvetta, impastando in una massa omogenea; Continua a leggere..
The WordPress Site Editor Is More Powerful Than Ever
The WordPress Site Editor has come a long way since it was first introduced in early 2022. In the last couple of months alone, the WordPress project has added a handful of game-changing features that give you even more control and convenience in customizing your site to be exactly what you need. Below, we lay Continua a leggere..
The WordPress Site Editor Is More Powerful Than Ever
The WordPress Site Editor has come a long way since it was first introduced in early 2022. In the last couple of months alone, the WordPress project has added a handful of game-changing features that give you even more control and convenience in customizing your site to be exactly what you need. Below, we lay Continua a leggere..
The WordPress Site Editor Is More Powerful Than Ever
The WordPress Site Editor has come a long way since it was first introduced in early 2022. In the last couple of months alone, the WordPress project has added a handful of game-changing features that give you even more control and convenience in customizing your site to be exactly what you need. Below, we lay Continua a leggere..
The WordPress Site Editor Is More Powerful Than Ever
The WordPress Site Editor has come a long way since it was first introduced in early 2022. In the last couple of months alone, the WordPress project has added a handful of game-changing features that give you even more control and convenience in customizing your site to be exactly what you need. Below, we lay Continua a leggere..
Insalata saporita di pomodori e mozzarella
Insalata saporita di pomodori e mozzarella con cetriolo, avocado ,cipolla e pesto fresco fatto in casa. Piatto unico estivo semplice e veloce
The WordPress Site Editor Is More Powerful Than Ever
The WordPress Site Editor has come a long way since it was first introduced in early 2022. In the last couple of months alone, the WordPress project has added a handful of game-changing features that give you even more control and convenience in customizing your site to be exactly what you need. Below, we lay Continua a leggere..