La vacanza sta per finire e ci consoliamo con qualcosa di estremamente dolce e cioccolatoso sapendo con certezza di fare la felicità di molti di voi: parliamo di Sachertorte. Forse non tutti sanno che… Sacher-Torte Continua a leggere…
Käsesahne Torte
Oggi vi parlo di un dolce tirolese paradisiaco: la Käsesahne Torte, ovvero una magnifica torta composta da due dischi di pasta biscotto, che racchiudono una farcia di formaggio cremoso e panna montata. Solitamente il formaggio utilizzato è il Quark. E' possibile sostituirlo con la ricotta o con il Philadelphia anche se vi verrà una torta Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
Pesto rosso senza derivati del latte
Pesto rosso senza derivati del latte Buon pomeriggio amici del web, ecco una ricettina veloce e pratica da poter usare al bisogno; una ricetta che mette d’accordo grandi e piccini, intolleranti e non e che può essere utilizzata per condire una pasta o condire le bruschette. In realtà è anche ottimo con il riso Continua a leggere..
WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress
Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome. Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..
Dolce di crema di ricotta e ananas
Tra dei savoiardi leggermente imbevuti dal succo di ananas e una crema di ricotta e latte condensato, ho messo una dadolata di fette di ananas e per finire una spolverata di cocco rapè. Ingredienti: per 2 monoporzioni 6 fette di ananas al naturale con il suo succo 12 biscotti savoiardi 250 g di ricotta Continua a leggere..