New to WordPress.com: Earn More By Adding a Paywall 

While there are many ways to monetize your website, there’s one strategy that stands out for its potential and simplicity: the paywall. We’re excited to tell you that this feature is now available on all WordPress.com sites.  Let’s explore why and how to use the new Paywall Block.  What is a paywall and what are Continua a leggere..


Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on WordPress.com

Exciting times are here for all WordPress.com users! The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all WordPress.com plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers. Let’s dive Continua a leggere..


New to WordPress.com: Earn More By Adding a Paywall 

While there are many ways to monetize your website, there’s one strategy that stands out for its potential and simplicity: the paywall. We’re excited to tell you that this feature is now available on all WordPress.com sites.  Let’s explore why and how to use the new Paywall Block.  What is a paywall and what are Continua a leggere..


Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on WordPress.com

Exciting times are here for all WordPress.com users! The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all WordPress.com plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers. Let’s dive Continua a leggere..


New to WordPress.com: Earn More By Adding a Paywall 

While there are many ways to monetize your website, there’s one strategy that stands out for its potential and simplicity: the paywall. We’re excited to tell you that this feature is now available on all WordPress.com sites.  Let’s explore why and how to use the new Paywall Block.  What is a paywall and what are Continua a leggere..


Engage a Wider Audience With ActivityPub on WordPress.com

Exciting times are here for all WordPress.com users! The revolutionary ActivityPub feature is now available across all WordPress.com plans, unlocking a world of engagement and interaction for your blog. Your blogs can now be part of the rapidly expanding fediverse, which enables you to connect with a broader audience and attract more followers. Let’s dive Continua a leggere..


Come levare i vermi dai funghi: i metodi più efficaci

Cosa sono i vermi dei ditteri, come si formano, loro commestibilità e i metodi più efficaci e semplici dei fungaroli per toglierli dai funghi.


New to WordPress.com: Earn More By Adding a Paywall 

While there are many ways to monetize your website, there’s one strategy that stands out for its potential and simplicity: the paywall. We’re excited to tell you that this feature is now available on all WordPress.com sites.  Let’s explore why and how to use the new Paywall Block.  What is a paywall and what are Continua a leggere..


Trippa alla parmigiana

Trippa alla parmigiana il classico secondo piatto della cucina povere, qui non ci sono mezzi termini: o lo si ama, o lo si odia. Le frattaglie sono da sempre considerate piatti poveri della cucina italiana e la trippa in ogni regione viene preparata in modo diverso. Trippa alla romana Trippa alla romagnola Trippa con patate Continua a leggere..


Bacon vegetale in friggitrice ad aria, scrocchiarello e gustoso in pochi minuti

Se hai scelto di mangiare vegetale, perché ricerchi il cibo con caratteristiche uguali a quelle di derivazione animale? E’ una domanda che ponevo a chi aveva scelto una dieta vegetale e a cui non riuscivo a darmi una spiegazione perché pensavo che chi mangiasse vegano lo facesse perché non gli piaceva il sapore della carne Continua a leggere..

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