Tag Archives: Video
A New Media Picker for the iOS WordPress App
Sometimes it’s the extra touches that make all the difference; on your website, that’s the photos and video that give your content life. You asked for streamlined access to your media library and the camera and photos on your device, to make uploading and inserting photos and videos easier. We hear you loud and clear! Continua a leggere..
A New Media Picker for the iOS WordPress App
Sometimes it’s the extra touches that make all the difference; on your website, that’s the photos and video that give your content life. You asked for streamlined access to your media library and the camera and photos on your device, to make uploading and inserting photos and videos easier. We hear you loud and clear! Continua a leggere..
Video Ricetta: “Dado Vegetale” (fatto in casa) – Aglio in Camicia
Inutile professare che il dado industriale è una schifezza e non va utilizzato se poi non vi do un’alternativa. Oggi sono qui per colmare questa lacuna con una ricettina carina carina che ho pescato da una collega “In Cucina con … Continua a leggere → L’articolo Video Ricetta: “Dado Vegetale” (fatto in casa) – Aglio Continua a leggere..
ALBUMI MONTATI BIMBY Montare gli albumi con il bimby e’ semplicisso, io ho utilizzato 3 albumi ma se volete potete raddoppiare la dose controllandoli attraverso il foro del coperchio, la cosa importante e’ montarli nel boccale pulito, con la farfalla e SENZA MISURINO. Inoltre gli albumi devono essere puliti, senza traccia di tuorlo o buccia Continua a leggere..
CREPES DOLCI Salve a tutti era da molto che non preparavo le crepes, e stavolta ho voluto deliziare mio marito e mia figlia con queste buonissime crepes farcite alla nutella di pistacchio, non ricordavo quanto fosse veloce e facile prepararle nel bimby e con l’aiuto di una buona padella per crepes ( io ho usato Continua a leggere..
IMPASTO PER PIZZA SOFFICE VI PRESENTO IL MIO IMPASTO SUPER COLLAUDATO PER PIZZE SOFFICI ALTE O BASSE IN BASE AI VOSTRI GUSTI… PROVATELO E FATEMI SAPERE… BUON APPETITO !!! Ingredienti per 2 pizze: 250 g di farina 00250 g di farina di semola di grano duro260-270 g di acqua35 g di olio extra vergine di Continua a leggere..
Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android
Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..
Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android
Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..
Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android
Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..
Simpler On-the-Go Publishing: Background Media Uploading for Android
Version 8.1 of the WordPress for Android app is now available, with some great enhancements to publishing: background media uploading. Adding images to a post or page? Now, you can publish — and move on to other things — while your media uploads. No more waiting inside the editor while images gradually upload! Tap the Publish button Continua a leggere..