Tag Archives: SEO

Perché è importante la Seo per un e-commerce

Al giorno d’ oggi sono tante le aziende che, consapevoli delle potenzialità dell’online, decidono di aprire un e-commerce. Però ottenere risultati concreti non è semplice, in quanto ci si deve scontrare con una concorrenza sempre più spietata, per tale motivo la SEO può venire in aiuto. La SEO, (Search Engine Optimization), è l’ottimizzazione per i Continua a leggere..

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Red Herring Games: Navigating a Business During a Pandemic

Ever wanted to gather your friends around a dinner table and accuse them of murder? Hopefully, your friend group dynamic has never actually got that dark — but that is the general concept behind Red Herring Games’ murder mystery games! Groups get together, dress up to fit the setting of the game — from the Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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Hosting Live (Virtual!) Events: Lessons from Planning the WordPress.com Growth Summit

Back in January, my team at WordPress.com was busy planning another year of exciting in-person events — community meetups, conference keynotes, booths, and in-person demos — at large exhibit halls and hotels around the world. Then the world changed overnight, and because of a global pandemic, our Events team — just like many of you Continua a leggere..

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