Tag Archives: PT
Villa di Papiano (PT), in viaggio senza lattosio

Ai miei amici L’amicizia quella bella, pulita Che ti fa dimenticare chi sei Da dove vieni Che non ti da pensieri per il passato ne ansie per il futuro. Ci siete, ci sono e non basteranno 1000 km a farmi allontanare dal vostro cuore. E non importa se non vi vedevo da mesi Basta un Continua a leggere..
Ristorante Molino di Berto (PT)

Tagliolini al ragù di salsiccia Molino di Berto (PT), Arista incicciata La mia cena senza lattosio e lowfodmap Il ristorante Molino di Berto si trova a Pistoia nella Val d’Orsigna, 806 m sul livello del mare. Abbiamo mangiato cucina tipica in una atmosfera di puro relax. Ambiente familiare, cordialità e disponibilità del cuoco a parlarmi di Continua a leggere..
Halloween 2021, da Ciccia alla griglia (PT)

Il giorno di Halloween è stato molto intenso. Abbiamo travestito i bambini e li abbiamo condotti attraverso i passaggi e i cancelli di Villa di Papiano per dolcetto o scherzetto.Dopo pranzo anche noi adulti ci siamo travestiti in modo macabro da Famiglia Adams e da vampiri e abbiamo fatto un giro ad una festa in Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..
The Best of Both Worlds: WordPress.com Managed Hosting
How you can get the total freedom to create without the hassles that come with managing your own website. The open source WordPress project has given the world a powerful publishing platform that now powers 41% of the web. While this is the most widely adopted CMS on the internet, you’re also going to need Continua a leggere..