Tag Archives: FRESH
Bentrovati amici oggi vi vorremmo parlare di HelloFresh, premettendo che ve ne parliamo proprio perchè siamo soddisfatti del servizio e non perché siamo da loro stati obbligati a scrivere un’ articolo o altro. Noi naturalmente non lo utilizziamo tutte le settimane, ma quando sappiamo di essere un po’ impegnati da non riuscire a fare la Continua a leggere..

Care lettrici, ben ritrovate, oggi ospito e presento nel mio blog Supreme Perfume Pearls; grazie a Donnad sono stata scelta insieme ad altre 2000 donne come ambassador per provare e far conoscere a tutte voi questo elegante profumatore prodotto da Vernel. Questo nuovo profumatore per bucato con la nuova tecnologia alle micro-perle, dona ai capi un’ Continua a leggere..
HAPPY FRESH PIE – Crumble cioccolato, fragole cannella e pere

Una sensazione di grande freschezza, con sapori e profumi veramente accattivanti. Da provare. Per quanto riguarda la ricetta, con ingredienti e procedimento, contattatemi A sensation of great freshness, with very tasty flavors and scents. To try. About recipe, with ingredients and method contact me.
KAMUT SPAGHETTI WITH FRESH TOMATOES AND CLAMS – Spaghetti di Kamut con pomodori freschi e vongole

Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of spaghetti kamut800 grams of clams400 grams of cherry tomatoeshalf a glass of white wine Arneis1 clove of garlicfresh parsleysalt, red pepperMethodClean and wash the clams thoroughly. Let him lose the sand putting them in salted water and changing the water frequently. Then wash them again and rinse it. In Continua a leggere..
KAMUT’S SPAGHETTI WITH SAFFRON , MUSSELS AND FRESH TOMATOES – Spaghetti al Kamut con zafferano, cozze e pomodoro fresco

A first delicious dish, fast and healthy.Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of spaghetti kamut600 grams of mussels500 grams of cherry tomatoes1 sachet of saffron1 clove of garlicextra virgin olive oilsaltMethodDissolve the saffron in a little water. Carefully clean the mussels and wash them under water. In a pan fry the garlic and oil. Add the Continua a leggere..
VAL VARAITA RAVIOLE WITH FRESH CHEESE, MUSTARD AND PILLOW PORK – Raviole della Val Varaita con ricotta, senape all’antica e guanciale

Ingredients for persons600 grams of raviole Val Varaita (alternatively you can use the dumplings)350 grams of fresh ricotta1 tablespoon mustard “to the ancient”4 slices thick enough accompanying pork cheek1 shallotrosemaryhalf a glass of milkextra virgin olive oilsaltMethodPrepared, in a bowl, the grainy cottage cheese. Now add the mustard and milk and emulsify everything well. In Continua a leggere..

A flavorful variation of the famous Italian dish. Ingredients for 4 people320 grams of durum wheat spaghetti2 organic eggs80 grams of Robiola100 grams of Scottish smoked salmon2 zucchini1 clove of garlicdried oreganosalt, black pepper MethodIn a pan fry the garlic and oil. When it’s ready, add the zucchini cut into small cubes and cook them Continua a leggere..
PACCHERI WITH FRESH TUNA AND SWEET AMERICAN POTATOES – Paccheri con tonno fresco e patate dolci americane

A first unusual dish but very, very tasty for the presence of the American sweet potato, with its chestnut aftertaste, it helps to enhance the flavor of fresh tuna.Ingredients for 4 people400 grams of paccheri of Gragnano2 slices of tuna fresh1 American sweet potato is not very big200 grams of tomato sauce prepared before1 clove Continua a leggere..
RISOTTO WITH SCALLOPS, KING PRAWNS AND FRESH GINGER AND SUNFLOWER SEEDS – Risotto con zenzero fresco, capesante, gamberoni e semi di girasole

How good is this risotto, it is almost impossible to explain. If you ask that, you must try it!Ingredients for 4 people:320 grams of Carnaroli ricea quarter of ginger root (about 8 grams)4 tablespoons toasted sunflower seeds before12 prawns12 scallops1 clove of garlic1 celery, 1 onion, 1 carrothalf a glass of white wine Roero Arneisextravegine Continua a leggere..