Tag Archives: bread
Red, White and Blue Protein Smoothie
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Sparkling Strawberry Smoothie
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Rocky Road Bites
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Fresh Fruit Trifle
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Fast and Easy Pancakes
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Chunky Monkey Pancakes
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Apple Pumpkin Muffins
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Skinny Avocado Egg Sandwich
Prepare time: 20 min Cook: 2 hr 30 min Ready in: 2 hr 50 min Pair this delicious dish with a risotto and a nice bottle of wine. This Italian favorite is easy to make and sure to impress your guests. Ingredients 2 cups half and half 1/4 cup limoncello 3 Tbsp granulated sugar 1/4 Continua a leggere..
Fitness Banana Bread | Ricetta Heathy | Senza zucchero e senza olio
Di banana bread non ce n’è mai abbastanza! Vero?!Qui sul blog lo trovate in una squisita versione vegana con quinoa e cocco e in sottoforma di deliziosi muffins light.Provando e riprovando ho creato un’altra versione, ancora più light e fitness, perfetta per uno stile di vita sano senza rinunciare al gusto.Per questo banana bread ho usato Continua a leggere..
Soda bread con noci e uvetta di Corinto
Il soda bread è un pane irlandese. Non ha bisogno di lunghe lievitazioni, si prepara in cinque minuti ed è totalmente privo di lievito, quindi adatto agli intolleranti: è il bicarbonato che, associato al latticello (o a una giusta miscela di latte, yogurt magro e limone), fa lievitare l’impasto. Non vi capita mai di rimanere Continua a leggere..