Tag Archives: Apple
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Editing and Enhancing Images in the WordPress Apps
The WordPress app on your Android or iOS device is your companion wherever you go. Manage your site, write and publish, and even add images to your posts — from anywhere you are. Oftentimes, the most engaging posts include visuals, like the photos you take on the go: pictures from last week’s walk, snapshots of your Continua a leggere..
Rosemary Apple Tart o Crostata di mele al rosmarino per il club del 27

Un guscio molto sottile e croccante, racchiude tantissime mele tagliate sottili e insaporite con limone e rosmarino. Una vera delizia, gradevolmente acidula e profumata. La croccantezza di questo guscio è data dalla farina di mais, che rende questa torta, un po’ rustica, ma piacevolissima, anche grazie al profumo del limone. Le mele morbidissime ed il Continua a leggere..
Irish Apple Crumble Cake (torta di mele irlandese)
Qualche settimana fa ho sperimentato una nuova torta di mele…la Irish Apple Crumble Cake!!! Si tratta di una torta rustica, ricca e gustosa, dal sapore leggermente burroso e speziato, il crumble in superficie poi la rende straordinariamente golosa. In Irlanda viene spesso servita con una salsa al brandy che io però ho evitato di fare… Continua a leggere..