Monthly Archives: aprile 2024
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
Maltagliati ai piselli e cipolla
Maltagliati ai piselli e cipolla un primo piatto pronto in meno di 30 minuti, facile e saporito. In casa mia i miei nipoti amano i piselli, per questo motivo cerco di farglieli spesso ed in modi diversi. Tagliatelle con crema di piselli e guanciale Tagliatelle gamberi e piselli Fregola sarda con vongole e piselli Quadrettoni Continua a leggere..
Macco di fave fresche
Il macco di fave fresche è un piatto di origine siciliana, gustoso e semplicissimo da preparare. Si tratta di una crema che può essere preparata sia con le fave fresche, sia con le fave secche. In entrambe i casi posso assicurarvi che il macco di fave è un piatto che amerete alla follia per il Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 270g farina OO, 30g farina O, 3 uova, 250g ricotta, 100g parmigiano grattugiato, 30g burro, 1 limone biologico (100g), 1 ciufetto di salvia, la scorza grattugiata di 1 limone, olio, saleAllestire una pasta soda e compatta impastando le farine con le uova leggermente sbattute, manipolando il tutto a lungo fino ad ottenere una massa liscia; Continua a leggere..