Monthly Archives: aprile 2024

Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..

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Maltagliati ai piselli e cipolla

Maltagliati ai piselli e cipolla un primo piatto pronto in meno di 30 minuti, facile e saporito. In casa mia i miei nipoti amano i piselli, per questo motivo cerco di farglieli spesso ed in modi diversi. Tagliatelle con crema di piselli e guanciale Tagliatelle gamberi e piselli Fregola sarda con vongole e piselli Quadrettoni Continua a leggere..

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Macco di fave fresche

Il macco di fave fresche è un piatto di origine siciliana, gustoso e semplicissimo da preparare. Si tratta di una crema che può essere preparata sia con le fave fresche, sia con le fave secche. In entrambe i casi posso assicurarvi che il macco di fave è un piatto che amerete alla follia per il Continua a leggere..

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Ingredienti: 270g farina OO, 30g farina O, 3 uova, 250g ricotta, 100g parmigiano grattugiato, 30g burro, 1 limone biologico (100g), 1 ciufetto di salvia, la scorza grattugiata di 1 limone, olio, saleAllestire una pasta soda e compatta impastando le farine con le uova leggermente sbattute, manipolando il tutto a lungo fino ad ottenere una massa liscia; Continua a leggere..

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WordPress Website Speed Build: The Masters Golf Tournament

Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..

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