Monthly Archives: marzo 2024
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
5 Hidden Features of
Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known Continua a leggere..
Fusilli alla carbonara di zucchine
Ancora un altro giorno di pioggia, pertanto non resta che cucinare con quello che offre la dispensa, quindi senza pensarci tanto abbiamo deciso, per oggi di preparare la pasta alla carbonara di zucchine, una ricetta vegetariana che propongo spesso, utilizzando le verdure che ho in casa. Un primo saporito e molto cremoso, un piatto Continua a leggere..
Pizza dolce di Pasqua
Questa ricetta che ti presento oggi è una variante della ricetta abruzzese, della pizza dolce di Pasqua! Vediamo come procedere: Tempo di preparazione 1 Ora Tempo di riposo6 Ore Tempo di cottura 55 Minuti porzioni 8-10 Ingredienti: 3 uova 120 g zucchero 100 g latte 50 g olio di semi di girasole 40 g burro (morbido) 300 g farina 0 300 g farina Continua a leggere..
Silvoterapia: il potere degli alberi come pausa rigenerante unica da provare con urgenza
Presi nel trambusto della vita moderna, siamo tutti alla ricerca di un modo per ricaricare le batterie e sfuggire allo stress quotidiano. Per alcuni, la risposta sta dentro silvoterapia, una pratica ancestrale recentemente riscoperta che sfrutta il potere calmante degli alberi. Questo articolo ti porta nel vivo di questa esperienza: scopri come una semplice passeggiata Continua a leggere..