Monthly Archives: dicembre 2023

Biscotti natalizi decorati (con matterello)

Qualche anno fa una cara amica per Natale mi regalò un bellissimo matterello decorato, di quelli che decorano automaticamente l’impasto, lo provai subito, ma non ottenni il risultato che mi ero prefissata. Dopo diversi tentativi, impasti con e senza lievito, raffreddamenti vari ho deciso di cercare in rete la ricetta che secondo il mio parere Continua a leggere..

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Questi biscotti, realizzati senza il burro, sono ottimi come regalo di Natale, perché sono leggeri, croccanti, e molto versatili.  Noi li metteremo sotto l’albero, perché mio figlio è sicuro che li apprezzerà molto anche Babbo Natale. Io li trovo perfetti anche per accompagnare un te caldo o una cioccolata, nelle giornate più fredde. INGREDIENTI : Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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With, This Novelist’s Success Is No Mystery

Dan Alatorre murders people for a living. Not literally, but literarily: His thrilling mystery novels have captivated audiences around the world, landing him on multiple bestseller lists.  Like so many authors of the internet age, Dan started his writing journey with a blog. Back then, his posts were focused more on the day-to-day happenings of Continua a leggere..

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