Monthly Archives: febbraio 2023


Ingredienti: 500g farina manitoba, 90g zucchero, 60g burro, 250g pasta madre rinfrescata 8 ore prima, 200ml panna fresca liquida, 1 bustina di vanillina, zucchero a velo, olio per frittura, saleMettere nella ciotola dell’impastatrice la pasta madre con lo zucchero, la panna tiepida, la farina, il burro fuso e intiepidito, la vanillina e per ultimo un pizzico Continua a leggere..

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Ciambelle di Patate al Profumo di Limone

Oggi sono partita convinta di postare la ricetta delle cipolle fritte. Qui a casa la friggitrice funziona solo la settimana di carnevale, ma in quella settimana diciamo che recupera abbondantemente l’anno di inattività. La ricetta di queste ciambelle così soffici e così deliziose l'ho trovata su un vecchio numero di unsa rivista di cucina. Continua Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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Design Like a Pro in Just a Few Clicks

Our latest batch of design tools empower you to create a consistently compelling style across your entire website with just a few clicks. Today we’d like to zoom in on the “Styles” settings, which allow you to make sitewide changes and create new style defaults right from the Site Editor.  Professional design without a designer   Continua a leggere..

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