Monthly Archives: novembre 2022

Gratin di insalata belga e mele

Frutta e verdura di stagione è il tema di oggi di Light and tasty, quindi tante proposte di stagione sia dolci che salate per esaltare al meglio i prodotti dell’autunno. Ho preparato un piatto unico in cui le mele e l’indivia sono i protagonisti indiscussi, le mele sono mele del Trentino, non certo a Km Continua a leggere..

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Torta di zucca e cioccolato bianco

Torta di zucca e cioccolato bianco. Una torta da credenza morbidissima che si mantiene per più giorni sempre fragrante. DifficoltàFacile CostoEconomico Tempo di preparazione30 Minuti Tempo di cottura2 Ore Porzioni6/8 persone Metodo di cotturaForno elettrico CucinaItaliana StagionalitàAutunno, Inverno Ingredienti 500 g zucca 200 g zucchero 3 uova 100 ml latte 100 ml olio di semi Continua a leggere..

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Spugnette allo Strega

  Forse le chiamano spugnette per la loro consistenza spugnosa. Questi dolcetti infatti sono di una morbidezza irresistibile, unica e vi conquisteranno al primo morso. Sono inoltre molto scenografici e si sa che in pasticceria la vista è importante.  La ricetta originale (spopola sul web da alcuni anni) prevede l’uso del limoncello, stavolta ho pensato Continua a leggere..

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Streghette al parmigiano

Streghette al parmigiano, ottime come snack, per accompagnare antipasti, come spuntino insieme all’aperitivo ma ottime anche in sostituzione del pane. Veloci e semplicissime da fare anche la cottura richiede solo 10 minuti. Si possono preparare in anticipo e dopo averle lasciate raffreddare molto bene si possono conservare in un sacchetto per alimenti. Potrebbe interessare anche: Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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Celebrating 200 Websites With Out in Tech!

In September, our team celebrated 200 websites built with Out in Tech, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating career and networking opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks in the tech industry. Since 2017, Automattic and have been proud partners of Out in Tech. Through our partnership, we work together with volunteers to build essential websites for LGBTQ+ organization Continua a leggere..

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