Monthly Archives: ottobre 2018

Meringhe di fantasmi

Meringhe di fantasmi Le meringhe di fantasmi sono dei simpatici dolcetti perfetti da preparare per Halloween. La ricetta è davvero semplicissima e permette di decorare la tavola per Halloween con tanti fantasmini golosi. I bambini ne andranno matti! Perfetti per il dolcetto o scherzetto, non trovate?

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Introducing Activity

Knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of your site is key to engagement and security.  Who published a post? What comments need to be approved? When was a plugin activated or deactivated? What images were added to a specific page? Now, there’s a new tab in where you can see all your site’s Continua a leggere..

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Trick or treat?

La festa di Halloween è arrivata da pochi anni in Italia. Prima era tipica solo dei paesi anglosassoni e degli Stati Uniti.   La tradizione vuole che ci si travesta con costumi macabri (quotatissimi streghe, vampiri, fantasmi e Co.) e che si decori la casa con zucche intagliate, finte ragnatele, e tutto ciò che, solitamente, Continua a leggere..

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Baci di dama

Ci sono cose semplici, come fare dei biscotti , che riescono a regalare momenti di autentica felicità. La preparazione, il profumo che si diffonde e che ti assicura che tutto va secondo i piani, il sapore….passo dopo passo sono tutti elementi che sviluppano la propria consapevolezza, l’idea che si trasforma in creazione da’ immediatamente un Continua a leggere..

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Il pane di Ognissanti a Scicli: "Armi Santi"

In questi giorni impazzano sul web ricette di dolcetti a forma di pipistrelli, fantasmi e qualsiasi soggetto macabro; anche se la globalizzazione ci impone tuffi in culture diverse dalla nostra, piuttosto che demonizzare questa festa anglosassone, vorrei piuttosto riscoprire le nostre radici culturali. In Sicilia la Commemorazione dei defunti assume una connotazione del tutto particolare: Continua a leggere..

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