• Pizza •

The Pizza is a typical gastronomic product of Neapoltan Cuisine. It could even be defined as a symbol of Italy in the World.

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But let’s see what it takes!

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  • 1Kg bread flour
  • 3tbsp olive oil
  • 600ml water
  • 20g salt
  • 40g dried yeast

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  1. Start to dissolve the yeast with a little water.
  2. Add the flour with salt and oil and combine it all by adding flush water.
  3. when you see that a loaf is made, put it in the oven and cover it with a cloth.
    Let it sit 2 hours and do not switch on the oven but turn on only the light.
  4. When ready, roll it out and season it with mozzarella and tomato.
  5. Cook for 25-30 mins at 200°.


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