Ingredienti: 20 fette prosciutto cotto affumicato, 120g formaggio spalmabile, 50g olive nere denocciolate, insalata lattughino, olio, sale, pepeTritare finemente le olive e riunirle in una ciotola con il formaggio, 1 cucchiaio di olio, un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe, mescolando in una crema omogenea; metterla in una sac a poche con la Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 300g farina O, 4 uova, 250g ricotta, 150g bietoline, 100g prosciutto cotto affettato e tagliuzzato, 70g parmigiano grattuggiato, 70g burro, 1 ciuffo di salvia, noce moscata, sale Allestire una pasta liscia e soda lavorando la farina con 3 uova; manipolare il tutto a lungo, formare un panetto, avvolgerlo in un tovagliolo infarinato, e lasciarlo riposare Continua a leggere..
Even More New Themes for July 2023
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. In July, we published so many new designs that a “Part Two” of our monthly theme roundup is in order. Check out these latest stylings especially if you have a blog or portfolio. All Themes Fotograma To create Continua a leggere..
Zucchine marinate " tutto in padella"
” Ma lo sai che la Sandra fa delle zucchine marinate buonissime, senza nè grigliare nè friggere nulla?” E secondo voi io potevo non chiedere alla Sandra questa ricetta tanto speciale?! Detto fatto! La Sandra la ricetta me l’ha data, e io l’ho provata subitissimo! Devo dire che queste zucchine sono proprio Continua a leggere..
Even More New Themes for July 2023
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. In July, we published so many new designs that a “Part Two” of our monthly theme roundup is in order. Check out these latest stylings especially if you have a blog or portfolio. All Themes Fotograma To create Continua a leggere..
What are the benefits of black garlic?
We can eat fresh black garlic. Or can be used to cook Many people would like to know the properties of black garlic. So scroll down and read below.1. High in Antioxidants Black garlic contains 6 times more antioxidants than fresh garlic, thus helping to protect the body’s cells from being damaged by free radicals. can reduce existing Continua a leggere..
What properties of broccoli are good for health?
Green vegetables that many people can eat like broccoli. In addition to being a delicious vegetable. It also has many health benefits. What properties of broccoli are good for health? Let’s see. 1. High antioxidants. There are many types of antioxidants together. And is the main antioxidant that is beneficial to the human body. These antioxidants will help reduce cell Continua a leggere..
Asparagus and its history.
Asparagus is a plant native to Europe and Africa. As for the botanical characteristics of asparagus. It is a vegetable menu with a stem divided into two parts: the underground stem and above-ground stems. The underground stem is a collective root system or rhizome. It looks like a pencil stick. The young shoots or young shoots. That we eat Continua a leggere..
Snow lotus properties and benefits.
Snow lotus is a plant that has many health-related properties. Because it is rich in nutrients. The benefits of snow lotus are as follows. 1. Helps to lose weight The natural sugar can help reduce weight. A 2009 study published in the scientific journal Clinical Nutrition revealed that. Women who consumed 0.14-0.29 grams syrup per kilogram Continua a leggere..
Even More New Themes for July 2023
The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. In July, we published so many new designs that a “Part Two” of our monthly theme roundup is in order. Check out these latest stylings especially if you have a blog or portfolio. All Themes Fotograma To create Continua a leggere..