Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..
Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API
Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side “app-like” navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place Continua a leggere..
WordPress Website Speed Build: The Masters Golf Tournament
Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..
WordPress Website Speed Build: The Masters Golf Tournament
Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..
Cornetti alla panna
Cornetti alla panna il classico cornetto farcito con panna fresca è qualcosa di golosissimo. Ricetta che richiede un po’ di impegno, ma ne vale davvero la pena. Brioche soffici con scaglie di cioccolato Brioche veneziane Cornetti al cioccolato Colombine e coniglietti di pan brioche Zucchette Brioches CostoEconomico Tempo di cottura30 Minuti Porzioni8 pezzi Metodo di Continua a leggere..
#nonsolofriggiticeadaria: pesto di rucola vegan, puoi scaricare il pdf gratis della ricetta!
Questo sarà sempre un blog principalmente di ricette dedicate alla friggitrice ad aria a base vegetale però, ogni tanto, ho bisogno di pubblicare anche ricette senza questo fantastico elettrodomestico perché diventeranno la base dell’argomento principale. Ho creato un hashtag valido sui social e come etichetta sul blog che è: #nonsolofriggitriceadaria, in cui le raggruppo tutte. Continua a leggere..
WordPress Website Speed Build: The Masters Golf Tournament
Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..
Registering Custom Post Types in the WordPress Admin: Our CloudFest Hackathon Report
With WordPress today you need to use custom code or a plugin to create a custom post type like “Book” or “Member.” This is a popular need, and there are a variety of approaches; however, one challenge is that the end-user experience can be confusing and non-standardized. A few weeks ago, some Automatticians and I Continua a leggere..
WordPress Website Speed Build: The Masters Golf Tournament
Congratulations are in order for Scottie Scheffler, the winner of the 2024 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia! In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland takes on the slightly less intimidating task of re-creating the Masters website as quickly as he can. Can he possibly do it in just 30 minutes? Along the way, you’ll Continua a leggere..
Bacetti Napoletani senza glutine
Oggi sono felicissima di condividere con voi la ricetta dei Bacetti Napoletani senza glutine, morbidissimi e ripieni di salumi. Perfetti da servire in sostituzione del pane o per un pranzo a sacco. Qualche giorno fa mi sono imbattuta sul canale YouTube di un cuoco Napoletano e ho visto questi gustosi panini napoletani chiamati bacetti forse per Continua a leggere..