Ziti spezzati con polpettine
Oggi vi lascio un primo piatto, ma che sarebbe meglio considerare un piatto unico visto la ricchezza degli ingredienti, è tipico del sud Italia. Vi sono tante versioni, pugliese, napoletana, siciliana, personalmente non sono così preparata da capirne le differenze, so solo che sono tutte buonissime. Qui ho utilizzato la carne di tacchino, ma potrebbe Continua a leggere..
Ingredienti: 1kg cipolle dorate piccole sbucciate e tagliate in 4 spicchi, 200ml succo di ananas, 80g zucchero di canna, 20ml aceto balsamico, 40g burro, saleMettere in padella lo zucchero con il burro, porre sul fuoco e fare sciogliere; diluire con il succo e 100ml di acqua, mescolare vigorosamente, aggiungere le cipolle e salare. Innafiare con Continua a leggere..
WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress
The foundational infrastructure for the websites you build and manage is crucial for ensuring a safe, secure, fast, and reliable environment. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, built WP Cloud because we wanted a cloud platform constructed from the ground up just for WordPress. We’ve hosted millions of websites Continua a leggere..
Pastella per verdure fritte
La pastella per verdure fritte è una preparazione base molto facile, che può essere usata per friggere tutti i tipi di verdure, dalle classiche melanzane per preparare la parmigiana alle zucchine, agli anelli di cipolla per finire ai più classici fiori di zucca fritti. Questa pastella per fritti di verdure renderà la vostra frittura croccante Continua a leggere..
WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress
The foundational infrastructure for the websites you build and manage is crucial for ensuring a safe, secure, fast, and reliable environment. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, built WP Cloud because we wanted a cloud platform constructed from the ground up just for WordPress. We’ve hosted millions of websites Continua a leggere..
Welcome to a More Powerful WP-Admin Experience
As Automattic CEO Matt Mullenweg teased in a January blog post, our team at WordPress.com is working hard to enhance our developer experience. Improving what you see in your dashboard when you log into WordPress.com is one of our biggest goals. Today, we’re excited to unveil a more powerful wp-admin experience (if you know, you Continua a leggere..
Case Study: Jelly Pixel Studio’s Journey With WordPress.com
Jelly Pixel Studio, a web development agency based in Indonesia, specializes in crafting unique and illustrative websites for clients worldwide. The company serves a wide variety of clients, from small businesses to larger corporations, utilizing WordPress.com as their primary hosting platform due to its exceptional stability, fast performance, and robust features. Over the years, the Continua a leggere..
WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress
The foundational infrastructure for the websites you build and manage is crucial for ensuring a safe, secure, fast, and reliable environment. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, built WP Cloud because we wanted a cloud platform constructed from the ground up just for WordPress. We’ve hosted millions of websites Continua a leggere..
WP Cloud Is Powering the Future of WordPress
The foundational infrastructure for the websites you build and manage is crucial for ensuring a safe, secure, fast, and reliable environment. That’s where WP Cloud comes in. Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com, built WP Cloud because we wanted a cloud platform constructed from the ground up just for WordPress. We’ve hosted millions of websites Continua a leggere..