Tag Archives: STEAM

Forno Cecotec BAKE&STEAM 3000 COMBI-il forno da appoggio 3 in 1 che amerai al primo utilizzo

Forno Cecotec BAKE&STEAM 3000 COMBI è un forno da appoggio di 30 Litri 3 in 1 bellissimo. Oramai avete imparato a conoscere anche voi la qualità della marca cecotec. Un po di tempo fa avevo recensito una friggitrice ad aria di 12 Litri sul mio canale YouTube, purtroppo adesso non è più in vendita e Continua a leggere..

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• Pastina Cuoricini con Broccoli •

♥ Ciao a tutti! ☀ Il piatto di oggi e’: La Pastina Cuoricini (della mellin) con i broccoli! Chi ha detto che ai bambini non piacciono le verdure?! Beh chiunque sia stato, non ha conosciuto ancora Zelda! Per la Pastina Cuoricini con broccoli ne va letteralmente pazza, e arriva sempre alla fine del piatto che si lecca Continua a leggere..

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• Frittata di Zucchine al Vapore •

♥ Ciao a tutti! ☀ La Frittata di Zucchine al Vapore e’ un piatto davvero semplice e super light!Oltre al fatto che secondo me e’ proprio una genialata! Sono sincera: odio la frittata. Mi infastidisce molto la consistenza oliosa e l’odore e quindi non la preparo quasi mai. Poi sfogliando il Ricettario ad Anelli del Moulinex Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Junior Innovation Camp

Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front of a computer. Today I’d like to share some experiences we had during the Junior Innovator Camp that was part of the Wonder Women Tech Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Junior Innovation Camp

Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front of a computer. Today I’d like to share some experiences we had during the Junior Innovator Camp that was part of the Wonder Women Tech Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Junior Innovation Camp

Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front of a computer. Today I’d like to share some experiences we had during the Junior Innovator Camp that was part of the Wonder Women Tech Continua a leggere..

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Field Notes: Junior Innovation Camp

Automatticians, the people who build WordPress.com, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front of a computer. Today I’d like to share some experiences we had during the Junior Innovator Camp that was part of the Wonder Women Tech Continua a leggere..

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