Tag Archives: pane
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette
Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. WordPress already utilizes Continua a leggere..
Pane Damper australiano con olive Damper bread
Un “pane” veloce, gustoso, adatto a chi non ha molto tempo ma che vuole qualcosa di buono. Lo sò questo pane proprio un pane nel vero senso della parola non è, mollica morbida e crosta sottile ma croccante. Io adoro le lievitazioni naturali, il poolish, la biga con il lievito di birra, la lievitazione in Continua a leggere..
Pane integrale ai datteri e noci
Il pane integrale ai datteri è un classico, spesso, però, viene considerato troppo dolce e i datteri trovati all’interno, risultano o duri: Con la ricette che segue, invece, si ottiene un pane sano, ricco di datteri morbidi e dolci e noci tostate distribuiti in una mollica tenera e non troppo dolce. Per ammorbidire i datteri, Continua a leggere..
Pane piatto farcito con crema di ricotta e salsa di tartufo, speck e rucola
E’ un pane piatto tipo Naan, però con l’aggiunta dello strutto che ricorda la piadina. L’ho farcito con un crema di ricotta e salsa di tartufo, speck e rucola. Per il pane piatto Ingredienti: 250 g di farina 0 + quella per lo spolvero 125 g di yogurt bianco intero 60-80 g circa di acqua Continua a leggere..
La dieta lowfodmap e intestino irritabile: ricette e siti riferimento
Il regime alimentare “lowfodmap” rappresenta per chi soffre di intestino irritabile un modo di mangiare tale da diminuire i sintomi dovuti dal citato problema. È un regime alimentare studiato e messo a punto da medici australiani. Punta a diminuire nella quotidianità quei cibi che fermentano in pancia. Dopo un periodo iniziale di eliminazione di Continua a leggere..