Tag Archives: NYC
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My Condolences, You’re Now Running a Billion-Dollar Business
Halfway through a relaxing winter break with my family, I opened Slack for a quick dopamine hit. The message I saw waiting from Matt, Automattic’s CEO, was quite the surprise: “Would you be interested in running WordPress.com while I’m on sabbatical?” In honesty, my initial reaction was “No, not really.” It seemed like a lot Continua a leggere..
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Sometimes just a simple symbol is all you need – Mika Cali
La sua è un’arte che fa bene. E io questo già l’avevo capito l’Estate scorsa quando in vendita da The Butcher’s Daughter (Venice Beach, LA) notai all’entrata alcune delle sue creazioni, mentre sotto al naso mi passava il profumo delle colazioni appena servite e noi cercavamo un posto libero per poterci accomodare. Mika è una Continua a leggere..