Tag Archives: LUNCH


Sabato…per chi e’ fortunato va al mare o si riposa…..la giornata poi e’ stupenda quindi tutto quando c’e’ il sole e’ piu’ bello almeno per noi….e pensiamo per la maggior parte di persone…. se avete piacere sulla nostra pagina Facebbok ci potete raccontare del vostro Week End, e potete anche condividere le vostre foto, di Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Friday , October 14, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 14 ottobre 2016

LUNCHAppetizerRolls of smoked swordfish with feta, grape juice and aniseed First dishSedanini with basil pesto and almonds with potatoes FruitKiwi, banana DINNERFirst dishSpaghetti with clams, pistachios and fresh tomato Second dishGiant squid salad with croutons FruitGrape or pear. PRANZOAntipastoInvoltini di pesce spada affumicato con feta, succo d’uva e semi di anicePrimo piattoSedanini con pesto di Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Thursday , October 13, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 13 ottobre 2016

LUNCHAppetizerFlan potatoes with ham, zucchini and mozzarella First plateMacaroni with olives and radish sauceFruitKiwi. DINNERFirst dishSoup of pumpkin and topinambur Second dishchicken breast with greek yogurt, curry Thai and fresh thymeFruitGrape or pear. PRANZOAntipasto Flan di patate con prosciutto cotto, zucchini e mozzarellaPrimo piattoMaccheroni con salsa di olive e ravanelliFruttaKiwi mela. CENAPrimo piattoVellutata di zucca e Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Wednesday , October 12, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 12 ottobre 2016

LUNCH First plate Spelled brisee pasta and rice with appareil, spinach and ham. Second dish Sauteed zucchini with Robiola, champignons and centrifugal grape strawberry Fruit white or pear grapes. DINNER First plate Soup of black cabbage and cannellini beans Second dish Chateaubrian reduction with prosecco and cream Fruit Apple or pear. PRANZOPrimo piattoPasta brisee al Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Sunday , October , 2016 – Menù del giorno. ottobre 2016

MENU OF THE DAY Sunday, October 9, 2016 LUNCHAppetizersavory cannoli filled with Robiola cheese, salad and smoked salmon.First dishMillefeuille 2 flavors with bechamel sauce and basil pesto and hazelnuts Second dishEmotions at sunset. DessertTiramisu with mascarpone cream and ganache and maraschino DINNERFirst plateRice soup and parsley FruitA pear or grapes Regina Abate MENU DEL GIORNO Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Wednesday , October 4, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 4 ottobre 2016

LIGHT LUNCH OR LUNCH BREAK First dish Cous cous with vegetables, ginger and mint. Second dish raw meat with olives, capers and artichokes. Fruit black grapes, figs. DINNER First dish Durum wheat spaghetti with cream, greek yogurt, lemon and herbs. Second dish squid rings in tempura. Fruit Plum or pear. Primo piatto Cous cous con Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Tuesday, October 4, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 4 ottobre 2016

LIGHT LUNCH OR LUNCH BREAKFirst dishQuinoa with mixed vegetables and fresh ginger Second dishpork loin with carrots and lemon sauce Fruitwhite grape or apple DINNERFirst dishPea soup, potatoes, barley, turmeric and seeds of amaranth Second dishSandwich farinata with hamFruitBanana or pear. PRANZO LEGGERO O DI PAUSA PRANZOPrimo piattoQuinoa con verdure miste e zenzero frescoSecondo piattoCarrè Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Sunday, October 2, 2016 – Menù del giorno. 2 ottobre 2016

MENU ‘THE DAY Sunday, September 25, 2016 LUNCH First dish Pesto lasagna, ricotta and mozzarella Second dish pork loin with carrots and lemon sauce Dessert Pasta sable Breton with Trentino apples, cottage cheese and berries DINNER Pizza Focaccia with whole spelled with stuffed potatoes with Parmesan cheese and San Daniele Fruit A pear or grapes Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Friday, September 30, 2016 – Menù del giorno, venerdì 30 settembre 2016

LIGHT LUNCH OR LUNCH BREAK First plate mixed pasta salad Second dish mushroom salad with tomatoes, radishes, sunflower seeds and oat bran Sweet Rice flour cake with hazelnut, dark chocolate, and cream flavored strawberry grapes (you have to prepare it before) DINNER First plate Spaghetti with tomato confit, tuna and anchovies Second dish swordfish with Continua a leggere..

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MENU OF THE DAY Thursday, September 29, 2016 – Menù del giorno, giovedì 29 settembre 2016

MENU ‘OF THE DAY Thursday, September 29, 2016LIGHT LUNCH OR LUNCH BREAKFirst plateraw meat with olives, capers and artichokesFirst plateangry red pasta DessertVanilla pudding with raisins and macaroons of Sassello DINNERFirst plateMix cereal with vegetables and tunaSecond dishmushroom salad, provolone, tomatoes camone and catmintFruitSusine or pear. MENU’ DEL GIORNO Giovedì 29 settembre 2016PRANZO LEGGERO O Continua a leggere..

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