Categoria selezionata: Veneto


Plugins, Theme Switching, and More: September Webinars to Elevate Your Skills

September is here, bringing a rich array of learning opportunities to help you elevate your website to new heights. Our team of expert Happiness Engineers is poised to assist you with essential tasks every new site owner should master, including new webinars on choosing the perfect plugins and navigating the intricacies of theme switching. Continua a leggere..

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Frittata con zucchine

Sto cercando di mangiare meno carne, quindi oggi ho preparato una frittata vegetariana alle zucchine. È un piatto davvero semplice e veloce da realizzare, l’unica difficoltà è quella di trovare una padella abbastanza piccola per realizzare la monoporzione, se non c’è l’avete dovete aumentare le dosi. Ma non preoccupatevi, è ottima anche il giorno dopo. Continua a leggere..

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Welcome to Our Brand New Learning Hub

We’re thrilled to unveil the new and refreshed learning hub! This new resource is easily accessible at Our mission is to create a central place for all your educational needs. In this post we’ll give you a tour of the new digs and explain the behind-the-scenes design work that has made this resource Continua a leggere..

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It’s Never Been Easier to Move to

You deserve only the best for your website. World-class performance. Air-tight security. Top-tier support. So we decided it was time to give you a couple of quick and easy ways to move your site to  We’ve made the migration process a seamless and refreshing experience with two new tools we’re excited to share with Continua a leggere..

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WordCamp US 2023: Celebrating 20 Years of WordPress

Last week, the team joined nearly 2,000 WordPress creators and users at WordCamp US in National Harbor, Maryland. If you’ve never been, a WordCamp is an informal, volunteer-organized event where everyone who knows, loves, and builds with WordPress is welcome.  Automatticians Antonio, Daniel, and Alex The talks ranged from how was relaunched in Continua a leggere..

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Free New Course: Elevate Your Website with Memberships

Today we’re excited to announce a free resource that’s going to take your website to new heights. Get ready to delight your audience, share exclusive content, and build a loyal community that keeps coming back for more. Introducing our newest course: Membership Sites 101. Ever imagined having a slice of your website dedicated exclusively to Continua a leggere..

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Linguine al granchio

Come ormai certamente tutti sanno, le acque salmastre dell’alto Adriatico hanno visto quest’anno una sorta di invasione di granchi blu (o granchio nuotatore, Callinectes sapidus), una specie di origine americana. Non si tratta di un nuovo arrivato: la prima segnalazione nel Mediterraneo risale a oltre cent’anni fa, e nelle zone dove sta facendo strage di Continua a leggere..

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Introducing the 100-Year Plan: Secure Your Online Legacy for a Century

For almost 20 years, has been committed to providing a user-friendly and stable platform where anyone with a story to tell can do so freely and securely. Many of our customers have been with us from the beginning, and we’re proud to have been a partner in their digital journeys.  Now, we’re thrilled to Continua a leggere..

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Even More New Themes for August 2023

The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, featuring beautiful new options for bloggers and creators of all stripes. All Themes Negai Negai (which means “hope” or “wish” in Japanese) is a bold blogging theme built on unadorned simplicity Continua a leggere..

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More Control Over Your Domain—Introducing Forwarding 

Ever wished you could seamlessly guide visitors from one domain to another? That’s precisely what domain forwarding does.  We frequently use it here at For instance, when you type in—a catchy and memorable URL, if we do say so ourselves—you’re taken straight to our page at  Today, we’re happy to let you Continua a leggere..

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